Wood Heating Melbourne
30+ Years
of Experience
Free Finance

About Wood Heating
Wood heaters are a great way to save money and improve the environment. Wood heating reduces the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere and helps reduce the heating costs. Also, they provide the feel and sense of living in a cabin in Melbourne’s woods (even when you aren’t).
The best part? Wood Heaters are available in a variety of makes and models. The affordable wood heater models are called multi-fuel burners, which means they can burn any type of solid fuel, including logs, pellets, solid fuel tablets or even smokeless coal.
How does a Wood Heater work?
A wood heater is a metal box with an iron pipe inside. The pipe is full of holes. There is a door at the back of the box and another hole in the pipe near it. The pipe is closed off by a damper, which you can open or close as and when required.
When you start up the heater, air passes into the bottom of the pipe, heated by the fire on the other side of it. As it goes up through the holes, cools down and loses its heat. But because it is flowing through the pipe, some of its heat gets transferred to each turn of the spiral pipe. Thus, more heat flows through it than if it had stayed still; making it even hotter. So when the air gets to the top of the spiral, it loses its initial heat and cools down.
As a result, air flows out of the top hole much faster than the air coming in at floor level does. And this creates a big temperature difference between floor level and top-level that drives a powerful updraft through the firebox- enough to draw air from all over your house into your firebox to replace what you have drawn out to feed your fire.

Who We Work With

What are the running costs?
Wood heating systems are a great way to keep your home warm and your power bills low.
It’s hard to work out how much you will have to pay for a wood heating solution. That’s because there are so many different factors that affect the heating costs, namely:
- The size of the heater
- The type of wood you’re burning
- The amount of air inlet
- The outside temperatures
A good modern Electric or Gas Log Burner will give off around 30kw/h of heat per load of logs burned, depending on the size of the firebox, while a similar-sized wood burner will be able to produce 40kw/h of heat per load of logs burned.
Why choose Wood Heaters?
The best part about having a wood burner is that it produces no greenhouse gases, so you can stay warm and help the planet at the same time!
Wood heaters are the most popular type of heaters in Australia, and they produce an amount of heat that is much more than conventional fireplaces. It’s a solid fuel appliance that burns wood pellets, small pieces of wood, etc. Infact, they are a boiler rather than a fireplace. The boiler uses the wood pellets to heat water which then flows into radiators in the home to provide space heating.
It’s an ideal choice of heating system for both home heating and commercial properties such as restaurants, daycare centres, offices or any other space.